jquery - Add a div class parent to img and iframes with exception for blockquotes -

i'm using these jquery snippets:

$(".post img").each(function(){ $(this).wrap('<div class="fwparent" />'); }); $(".post iframe").each(function(){ $(this).wrap('<div class="fwparent" />'); }); 

to wrap images , iframes fwparent div class. need them make exceptions blockquotes.

it looks now:

<div class="post"> ... <div class="fwparent"><img src="image.png"></div> <div class="fwparent"><iframe src="movie"></div> ... <blockquote> <div class="fwparent"><img src="image.png"></div> <div class="fwparent"><iframe src="movie"></div> </blockquote> ... </div> 

but want this:

<div class="post"> ... <div class="fwparent"><img src="image.png"></div> <div class="fwparent"><iframe src="movie"></div> ... <blockquote> <img src="image.png"> <iframe src="movie"> </blockquote> ... </div> 

does know how achieve this?

you can try code rather :

$(".post img, .post iframe").each(function(){     if ($(this).parent().prop('tagname') != 'blockquote') {         $(this).wrap('<div class="fwparent" />');     } }); 

the code checks if parent of current element blockquote, , if it's not, wrap element. code uses prop method.


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