json - Edit URL string in iOS -

i have app parses json feed url links , stores url in string. works fine however, url links appear this:

( "http://instagram.com/p/ccefu9huxg/" ) 

how can rid of brackets , apostrophe's @ end of url?

i need open url in uiwebview can't because of brackets , apostrophe's @ ends of url.

the information json feed being presented in uitableview. when user taps 1 of cells of uitableview, relevant url cell stored in nsstring read uiwebview. here code:

-(void)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview didselectrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath {  int storyindex = [indexpath indexatposition: [indexpath length] - 1];  nsstring *storylink = [[[[_datasource objectatindex: storyindex] objectforkey:@"entities"] objectforkey:@"urls"] valueforkey:@"expanded_url"];  //[webviewer loadrequest:[nsurlrequest requestwithurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:storylink]]]; nslog(@"\n\n link: %@", storylink);  [uiview beginanimations:@"animateadbanneron" context:null]; [uiview setanimationduration:1.2]; webviewer.alpha = 1.0; [uiview commitanimations]; 


i story url in nsstring.

here json feed:

{ "coordinates": null, "favorited": false, "truncated": false, "created_at": "sat aug 25 17:26:51 +0000 2012", "id_str": "239413543487819778", "entities": {   "urls": [     {       "expanded_url": "https://dev.twitter.com/issues/485",       "url": "https://t.co/p5bozh0k",       "indices": [         97,         118       ],       "display_url": "dev.twitter.com/issues/485"     }   ],   "hashtags": [    ],   "user_mentions": [    ] } 

thanks, dan.

your nslog output indicates

nsstring *storylink = [[[[_datasource objectatindex: storyindex]                          objectforkey:@"entities"]                         objectforkey:@"urls"]                        valueforkey:@"expanded_url"]; 

does not return nsstring expected, nsarray. value of "urls" in json object array of dictionaries , not single dictionary? in case following should work:

nsstring *storylink = [[[[[_datasource objectatindex: storyindex]                            objectforkey:@"entities"]                           objectforkey:@"urls"]                          objectatindex:0]                         objectforkey:@"expanded_url"]; 

a more concrete answer might possible if show json output.


int storyindex = [indexpath indexatposition: [indexpath length] - 1]; 

can simplified

int storyindex = indexpath.row; 

(see "nsindexpath uikit additions".)

update: localize problem further, recommend split code separate commands, , check if "urls" array empty or not:

nsdictionary *dict = [_datasource objectatindex: storyindex]; nsdictionary *entities = [dict objectforkey:@"entities"]; nsarray *urls = [entities objectforkey:@"urls"]; if ([urls count] > 0) {     nsdictionary *firsturl = [urls objectatindex:0];     nsstring *storylink = [firsturl objectforkey:@"expanded_url"];     nslog(@"link: %@", storylink); } else {     nslog(@"urls empty array!!"); } 

if still crashes, set "breakpoint on objective-c exceptions" check crashes exactly.


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