screen - All possible ways to detect TV as client side browser for CSS purposes -

i have web application follows responsive web design techniques. i'd serve different (bigger) font size tv , different (smaller) screen when both have same resolution. why? because when user uses 32" monitor screen, sits closer user uses tv.

the code:

body {font-size:14px;}  @media (min-width:1900px) {body {font-size:20px;}}  @media tv , (min-width:1900px) {body {font-size:30px;}} 

should work (if understand how media queries work right). don't - tv displays text font size 20px (it's because opera browser in sony bravia tv doesn't support tv - how ironic...).

so question is: other techniques of tv detection possible?

  1. user-agent, there no standardized schema when tv comes party.


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