watir - Need to access elements of a admin server browser -

i new watir , below query:

through browser, have connected linux server, , able automate process.

now after logging in, browser opens admin page (webtop), need access elements of admin page, cannot. also, simple browser.text.include? "suplaonk" not giving output, same browser.title.

not entirely sure webtop per link webtop pages defined in psml (portal standard markup language) i.e. not html. so, dont think watir best choice trying do. if think page html can post html using firebug? http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/tivihelp/v8r1/index.jsp?topic=%2fcom.ibm.netcool_wt.doc%2fag%2fxf11248784180104.html


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