c - netcat gcc compile option so that IDA pro can show function name -

i want idapro show functions name , variables, like: _readwrite, _dolisten shows sub_40xxxx in function window.

how can edit compile option achieve it?

the original makefile is:

cc=gcc  cflags=-dndebug -dwin32 -d_console -dtelnet -dgaping_security_hole ldflags=-s -lkernel32 -luser32 -lwsock32 -lwinmm  all: nc.exe  nc.exe: getopt.c doexec.c netcat.c     $(cc) $(cflags) getopt.c doexec.c netcat.c $(ldflags) -o nc.exe 

you using mingw on windows. so, -s option in ldflags means final binary stripped. remove option.

moreover, can try add more debug information in order idapro recover as possible program adding -g3 cflags , replacing -dndebug -ddebug (it add more insightful messages software).

at end should have this:

cflags=-g3 -ddebug -dwin32 -d_console -dtelnet -dgaping_security_hole ldflags=-lkernel32 -luser32 -lwsock32 -lwinmm 

just side note, may answered more efficiently question on idapro on re.


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