cocoa - CGEventPost - hold a key (shift) -

i'm looking way design little panel modifier keys on (shift, command example) , have possibility click on virtual keyboard.

i'd have behavior :

  • click on virtual key (shift).
  • the shift button holds, , keeps being pressed.
  • type standard keyboard.
  • click time on virtual shift key release it.

here code i'm using :

cgeventsourceref source = cgeventsourcecreate(kcgeventsourcestatehidsystemstate); cgeventref shiftkeydown = cgeventcreatekeyboardevent(source, (cgkeycode)56, yes); cgeventref shiftkeyup = cgeventcreatekeyboardevent(source, (cgkeycode)56, no);  cgeventpost(kcgannotatedsessioneventtap, shiftkeydown); cgeventpost(kcgannotatedsessioneventtap, shiftkeyup);  cfrelease(shiftkeyup); cfrelease(shiftkeydown); cfrelease(source); 

i can't find way keep pressed until click on time. though "push on push off" button cell type key unfortunately no. :-)

any ?

thanks in advance.

a shift key virtually pressed way, released automatically when followed event doesn't contain shift flag. seems limitation, or possibly bug, considering documentation sort of indicates otherwise:

the way found achieve looking for, setup event listener, , add shift flag every event should modified shift key.

example on how listen keyboard events: (swift)

example on how had shift flag intercepted events:


hope helps. if knows how same without having add flags every event, please tell.


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