php - Facebook API - Access Token Delivers Inconsistent Information -

in facebook's api, graph explorer( provides data on requested queries using facebooks graph structure. when choosing 3 fields,"id, name, posts", explorer returns of users posts of user's wall, filtering out activity user has done anywhere else. strictly on user's wall.

the problem here whenever make new application , test applications data results using graph api explorer similar, information. information what's included in user's, "recent activity", feed.

in graph explorer if @ top there choice application, can switch application you've made. when requesting access token, can select the, "read_stream", permission allows application read user's stream data i.e wall, news feed, etc.

using graph api explorer

using user-made application (access_token blank privacy purposes)

the requests made graph api explorer application deliver different results custom made app using face book's developer api.

i've tried locate problems within access tokens, i've had no luck.

the access token calculated based on permissions request.

every time change permissions asking for, access token change.

i'm sure facebook debugging app requests permissions not requesting, therefore not able replicate results app in yours.


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