problems in using search function in rails -

i trying simple search function. function in module. have 2 columns: title , description. error. instead of posts need have select "title" in there.

def   if search     find(:all, :conditions => ['name ?', "%#{search}%"])   else     find(:all)   end end 

the error is:

sqlite3::sqlexception: no such column: name: select "posts".* "posts" (name '%first%') 


here index.html.erb file. have used form , listed posts along content. how change file display searched item? should listed. not able understand how this. ideas?

<h1>our blog</h1> <%= form_tag posts_path, :method => 'get' %>   <p>     <%= text_field_tag :search, params[:search] %>     <%= submit_tag "search", :name => nil %>   </p> <% end %>  <% @posts.each |post| %>   <h2><%= link_to post.title,post %></h2>   <p><%= post.content %></p>   <hr />   <%= link_to "add new post", new_post_path %> <% end %> 

you have no column name in table posts think want search on title & description try following

find(:all,       :conditions => ['title ? or description ?', "%#{search}%", "%#{search}%"]) 


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