restkit - Mapping XML succeeds but object has empty values -

i'm using rkxmlreaderserialization , trying map xml response server object. succeeds, object mapping result has empty values.

here's text/xml response i'm trying map server:

<provision version="1.0">   <fileinfowrapper>     <fileurl></fileurl>     <filename></filename>     <filesha1>oi7nk/rfll6dxqcu7ahanfksgke=</filesha1>     <filesize>52220448</filesize>     <version>13</version>     <vital>true</vital>   </fileinfowrapper> </provision> 

here's model object:

@interface fileinfowrapper : nsobject  @property nsstring *fileurl; @property nsstring *filename; @property nsstring *filesha1; @property long filesize; @property nsstring *version; @property bool vital;  @end 

i've added rkxmlreaderserialization:

[rkmimetypeserialization registerclass:[rkxmlreaderserialization class] formimetype:rkmimetypetextxml]; [[self objectmanager] setacceptheaderwithmimetype:@"application/json,text/xml"]; 

i think have mapping , response descriptor setup correctly:

rkobjectmapping *fileinfomapping = [rkobjectmapping mappingforclass:[fileinfowrapper class]]; [fileinfomapping addattributemappingsfromdictionary:@{  @"fileurl":        @"fileurl",  @"filename":       @"filename",  @"filesha1":       @"filesha1",  @"filesize":       @"filesize",  @"version":        @"version",  @"vital":          @"vital"}]; rkresponsedescriptor *fileinforesponsedescriptor = [rkresponsedescriptor responsedescriptorwithmapping:fileinfomapping                                                                                                 method:rkrequestmethodget                                                                                            pathpattern:nil                                                                                                keypath:@"provision.fileinfowrapper"                                                                                            statuscodes:rkstatuscodeindexsetforclass(rkstatuscodeclasssuccessful)]; [[self objectmanager] addresponsedescriptor:fileinforesponsedescriptor]; 

but when call:

[[self objectmanager] getobjectsatpath:@"static/download/"                             parameters:nil                                success:^(rkobjectrequestoperation *operation, rkmappingresult *mappingresult) {                                    nslog(@"****success!****");                                    nslog(@"mappingresult: %@", mappingresult);                                    fileinfowrapper *fileinfo = [mappingresult firstobject];                                    nslog(@"url: %@", [fileinfo fileurl]);                                    nslog(@"name: %@", [fileinfo filename]);                                    nslog(@"sha1: %@", [fileinfo filesha1]);                                    nslog(@"size: %lx", [fileinfo filesize]);                                }                                failure:^(rkobjectrequestoperation *operation, nserror *error) {                                    nslog(@"****failure!****");                                }]; 

all values null:

i '' '' (200 ok / 1 objects) [request=0.1080s mapping=0.0060s total=0.1226s] ****success!**** mappingresult: <rkmappingresult: 0x10064b190, results={     "provision.fileinfowrapper" = "<fileinfowrapper: 0x10065f780>"; }> url: (null) name: (null) sha1: (null) size: 0 

what doing wrong?

update: turned on restkit/objectmapping logging , got additional info:

d restkit.object_mapping:rkmapperoperation.m:377 executing mapping operation representation: {     provision =     {         fileinfowrapper =         {             filename =             {                 text = "";             };             filesha1 =             {                 text = "oi7nk/rfll6dxqcu7ahanfksgke=";             };             … }  , targetobject: (null) t restkit.object_mapping:rkmapperoperation.m:320 examining keypath 'provision.fileinfowrapper' mappable content... d restkit.object_mapping:rkmapperoperation.m:300 found mappable data @ keypath 'provision.fileinfowrapper': {     filename =     {         text = "";     };     filesha1 =     {         text = "oi7nk/rfll6dxqcu7ahanfksgke=";     };     … } d restkit.object_mapping:rkmapperoperation.m:231 asked map source object {     filename =     {         text = "";     };     filesha1 =     {         text = "oi7nk/rfll6dxqcu7ahanfksgke=";     };     … } mapping <rkobjectmapping:0x10025e6b0 objectclass=fileinfowrapper propertymappings=(     "<rkattributemapping: 0x10025ebc0 filesha1 => filesha1>",     "<rkattributemapping: 0x10025ed90 filename => filename>"     … )> d restkit.object_mapping:rkmappingoperation.m:952 starting mapping operation... t restkit.object_mapping:rkmappingoperation.m:953 performing mapping operation: <rkmappingoperation 0x10068f730> 'fileinfowrapper' object. mapping values object {     filename =     {         text = "";     };     filesha1 =     {         text = "oi7nk/rfll6dxqcu7ahanfksgke=";     };     … } object <fileinfowrapper: 0x10068f290> object mapping (null) t restkit.object_mapping:rkmappingoperation.m:550 mapping attribute value keypath 'fileurl' 'fileurl' t restkit.object_mapping:rkmappingoperation.m:431 found transformable value @ keypath 'fileurl'. transforming type '__nsdictionarym' 'nsstring' d restkit.object_mapping:rkpropertyinspector.m:130 cached property inspection class 'fileinfowrapper': {     filename =     {         isprimitive = 0;         keyvaluecodingclass = nsstring;         name = filename;     };     filesha1 =     {         isprimitive = 0;         keyvaluecodingclass = nsstring;         name = filesha1;     };     … } t restkit.object_mapping:rkmappingoperation.m:583 skipped mapping of attribute value keypath 'fileurl keypath 'fileurl' -- value unchanged ((null)) t restkit.object_mapping:rkmappingoperation.m:550 mapping attribute value keypath 'filesha1' 'filesha1' t restkit.object_mapping:rkmappingoperation.m:431 found transformable value @ keypath 'filesha1'. transforming type '__nsdictionarym' 'nsstring' t restkit.object_mapping:rkmappingoperation.m:583 skipped mapping of attribute value keypath 'filesha1 keypath 'filesha1' -- value unchanged ((null)) … 

it appears have map text node. post had same problem:

restkit 0.20-pre3 rkxmlreaderserialization , xmlreader

changing mapping to:

[fileinfomapping addattributemappingsfromdictionary:@{  @"fileurl.text":        @"fileurl",  @"filename.text":       @"filename",  @"filesha1.text":       @"filesha1",  @"filesize.text":       @"filesize",  @"version.text":        @"version",  @"vital.text":          @"vital",}]; 

did it.


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