android - Backstack and memory leakage -

i have developed small api dialog fragments based on google support library simple requirements:

  • api add (or replace) modal dialog
  • api dismiss dialog programmatically or user can dismiss dialog pressing button

does api creates memory leakage adding fragments backstack?

public class dialogfragmentutils {  private static final string dialog_tag = "dialogtag";  public static void showdialogfragment(@nullable activity activity, @notnull fragment fragment) {     if (activity instanceof fragmentactivity) {         fragmentactivity fragmentactivity = (fragmentactivity) activity;         fragmentmanager fm = fragmentactivity.getsupportfragmentmanager();         fragmenttransaction ft = fm.begintransaction();         fragment prev = fm.findfragmentbytag(dialog_tag);         if (prev != null && prev.isadded()) {             ft.remove(prev);         }         ft.add(fragment, dialog_tag);         ft.addtobackstack(null);         ft.commit();     } }  public static void dismissdialogfragment(@nullable activity activity) {     if (activity instanceof fragmentactivity) {         fragmentactivity fragmentactivity = (fragmentactivity) activity;         fragmentmanager fm = fragmentactivity.getsupportfragmentmanager();         dialogfragment dialog = (dialogfragment) fm.findfragmentbytag(dialog_tag);         if (dialog != null) {             dialog.dismiss();         }     } } } 

yes, prone low memory, not memory leak though. stack fragment kept in memory hard references. if keeping ridiculous amount of fragments in stack out of memory.

have here: when fragment replaced , put in stack (or removed) stay in memory?

update: see dialog_tag not changing keeping 1 fragment in backstack @ time, because remove old 1 if exists. in case might not have issue of low memory.


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