How to create an Overflow menu and combine it with an option menu ? "android" -

hi guys new in android development want ask how can create overflow menu 2 items , how can combine option menu did looks this

public class mainactivity extends activity {   @override public boolean oncreateoptionsmenu( menu) {     super.oncreateoptionsmenu(menu);     menuinflater blabla = getmenuinflater();     blabla.inflate( ,menu);     return true;   } @override public boolean onoptionsitemselected(menuitem item) {     switch(item.getitemid()){         case             intent = new intent("com.--.------.------");             startactivity(i);             break;          case             finish();             break;      }     return false; } 


 <item android:title="our sponsors" android:id="@+id/oursponsors" android:icon="@drawable/image" />   <item         android:title="exit"         android:id="@+id/exit"         android:icon="@drawable/exit"            /> 

i beginner guys if can give me full tutorial showing how create overflow menu awesome ! in advance !

here developer page related

you want add android:showasaction="collapseactionview" (or android:showasaction="never" depending on api level) each menu item in xml layout


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