ios - Copy text of a PDF file to an NSString -

i want copy text of embedded pdf file in project nsstring. tried zachron's pdfiphone doesn't seem working on armv7. need work on armv7.

i've read quartz framework guide, still don't know how text of pdf using quartz. if know solution, quartz or not, please write down.

if target pdf not written in cjk(chinese,japanese , korean), way simpler one.

  1. download pdfkitten. has sample pdf parser.
  2. integrate pdfcore part of pdfkitten project. please note pdfkitten pre arc code. have set -fno-objc-arc pdfkitten files.
  3. in pdf, printing text operators tj , tj.
  4. so have modify call functions tj , tj.

if have handle cjk pdf file, way more complicated. because many cjk pdf file has cid encoding. cid means character identification glyph. pdfkitten not cover such handling. have add cid ucs2 conversion function.


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