jboss7.x - Override endpoint URL using @WebServiceRef on EJB via XML in JBoss AS7.x -

in jboss 5, following:

@stateless public class myservicebean implements myservice {     @webserviceref(name = "services/mywebservice")     mywebport mywebservice;        ... } 

and override mywebservice endpoint url in jboss.xml:

<session>     <ejb-name>myservicebean</ejb-name>     <service-ref>         <service-ref-name>services/mywebservice</service-ref-name>         <service-impl-class>eg.mywebservice</service-impl-class>         <port-component-ref>             <service-endpoint-interface>eg.mywebport</service-endpoint-interface>             <stub-property>                 <prop-name>javax.xml.ws.service.endpoint.address</prop-name>                 <prop-value>http://some.url.here</prop-value>             </stub-property>         </port-component-ref>     </service-ref> </session> 

but in jboss 7, jboss.xml not used anymore , can't find how achieve same new configuration file jboss-ejb3.xml.


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