php - How do I connect to the database server? -

i need connect php code sql server, using wamp server php v5.3.0, apache 2.2.11.

i have downloaded sqlsrv30.exe , copy files ext folder of php, , apache bin directory, in php.ini have added following extensions:

 extension=php_sqlsrv_53_ts.dll   extension=php_pdo_sqlsrv_53_ts.dll 

without ;, still getting following message:

fatal error:fatal error: call undefined function sqlsrv_connect() in  c:\wamp\www\tpphp\sqlserver\tp.php on line 7. 

i think libraries not loading.

what should connect sql server using php?

is wamp 64 bit?change 32 bit version,because sql driver microsoft not compatible. , can use phpinfo(); see if libraries loaded. can`t comment,so wrote answer.


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