Python - How to transform a list of tuple to a tuple -

this question has answer here:

i retrieved data sql query and

i have list of tuple like:

[(34.2424,), (-64.2344,) (76.3534,), (45.2344,)] 

and have string (34.2424, -64.2344, 76.3534, 45.2344,)

does function exist can that?

notice ',' @ end of each tuple... have difficulty rid of it

if you're using python 2.x, can use:

>>> = [(34.2424, -64.2344, 76.3534, 45.2344)] >>> print ' '.join(map(str, a[0])) '34.2424 -64.2344 76.3534 45.2344' 

in python 3.x, or python 2.x from __future__ import print_function, can use:

>>> print(*a[0]) 34.2424 -64.2344 76.3534 45.2344 

you seem have updated format of input data, so:

first element each tuple...

>>> = [(34.2424,), (-64.2344,), (76.3534,), (45.2344,)] >>> print ' '.join(str(el[0]) el in a) 34.2424 -64.2344 76.3534 45.2344 

more 1 element in each tuple...

>>> itertools import chain >>> print(*chain.from_iterable(a)) 34.2424 -64.2344 76.3534 45.2344 

however, seem want tuple...

>>> tuple(chain.from_iterable(a)) (34.2424, -64.2344, 76.3534, 45.2344) 

which can use str on make str if wanted...


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