c# - Cannot convert from 'System.Type' to myself defined interface -

i defined own iexportable interface, , use as

public static someaction<b>(ilist<t> data) t : iexportable {     var ttype = typeof(t);     ilist<b> blists = somemethod(ttype);     //... }  

that somemethod is:

list<b> somemethod(iexportable exportdata) {    // somethings } 

but when run application error:

the best overloaded method match somemethod(iexportable)has invalid arguments cannot convert 'system.type' 'ifileexport'

typeof(t) returns type object has meta information class represented t. somemethod looking object extends iexportable, want create object t extends iexportable. have few options this. straight forward option may add new constraint on generic paramter , use t's default constructor.

//notice i've added generic paramters , t.  looks may  //have missed adding parameters or have specified many types. public static someaction<a, b, t>(ilist<t> data) t : iexportable, new() {     t ttype = new t();     ilist<b> blists = somemethod(ttype);     //... }  

i've explicitly stated type of ttype better illustrate what's going on in code:

public static someaction<b>(ilist<t> data) t : iexportable {     //notice typeof returns.     system.type ttype = typeof(t);     ilist<b> blists = somemethod(ttype);     //... }   


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