c++ - How to get an index of a variable from func_interpr entry? -

a function model contains entries of pairs <condition_on_args, return_value>.

the return_value expression may refer input arguments, example (f!4 (k!3 (:var 0))). here (:var 0) refers 0th input argument of function model, , of kind z3_var_ast.

i want transform return_value internal program representation, don't know how relate (:var 0) 0th input argument of function model.

how index of variable, 0, expr (:var 0) of kind z3_var_ast via c/c++ api?


you have use following api:

    /**        \brief return index of de-brujin bound variable.         \pre z3_get_ast_kind(a) == z3_var_ast         def_api('z3_get_index_value', uint, (_in(context), _in(ast)))     */     unsigned z3_api z3_get_index_value(__in z3_context c, __in z3_ast a); 


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