eclipse - Egit installation path error -

eclipse kepler 4.3.0.v20130530-1801

egit version:

after launching eclipse , checking error log have following warning:

egit couldn't detect installation path "gitprefix" of native git. hence egit can't respect system level git settings might configured in ${gitprefix}/etc/gitconfig under native git installation directory. important of these settings core.autocrlf. git windows default sets parameter true in system level configuration. git installation location can configured on team > git > configuration preference page's 'system settings' tab. warning can switched off on team > git > confirmations , warnings preference page.

so need entry in file gitconfig core.autocrlf ?

this kind of warning message seems related egit commit.
this post suggests:

go window > preferences > team > git > configuration > system settings tab
click on browse , find git system installation.
windows example: c:\program files (x86)\git\etc\gitconfig


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