html - Bootstrap: Striped div table -

i'm using bootstrap css lib. know how make striped table lib how make striped div's?

for ex:

<table id="newtable" class="table table-bordered table-striped fixedtable">     <thead>         <th>date</th>         <th>info</th>         <th>price</th>     </thead>     <tbody>         <tr>             <td colspan="3">                                 <div>text 1</div>                  <div>text 2</div>                   <div>text 3</div>                   <div>text 4</div>                                             </td>         </tr>     </tbody>     </table>     

question is: how make: <div>text 1</div>, <div>text 2</div>, <div>text 3</div>, <div>text 4</div> striped?

twitter bootstrap's striping works table rows. in order stripe divs need add each of them new row. instance:

    <tr>         <td>             <div>text 1</div>          </td>     </tr>     <tr>         <td>             <div>text 2</div>           </td>     </tr>     ... 

also i'm not sure trying achieve colspan="3". if want create proper table need create new td each column. instance:

    <tr>         <td>2013-07-22</td>         <td>text info field 1</td>         <td>9.99</td>     </tr> 


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