html - Div fixed on vertical scroll but absolute on horizontal -

here's want. want top bar , navigation menu attached bar. i've done no problem. want bar , navigation menu follow me if scroll , down.i can position fixed. but, if have fixed position, when scroll left right, follow.

i want have both top bar , navigation menu follow user scrolls , down if scroll left right want act absolute position, , become partially or hidden (depending on how user scrolls).

is possible? i've seen couple of topics haven't been able work me.

here jfiddle

i want move down me when scroll down , when scroll up. but, if horizontal scroll bar, want pass viewing window on it.

i found javascript on previous question can't work me.

.slim {position: absolute;}   <div id="phantombar" class="slim">  <!--i technically don't need these if not neccessary-->     <div id="phantombar" class="fixed_elem"> <div id="headwrap"> 

scrolltofixed jquery plugin used fix elements on page (top, bottom, anywhere); however, still allows element continue move left or right horizontal scroll.




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