php - while uploading photo to Facebook CurlExeption 26 appears -

im using unity3d make screenshot , pload facebook. because app cross platform succesfully uploades php script, pass facebook through browser. while testing on xampp(windows) error:

fatal error: uncaught curlexception: 26: couldn't open file "temp/528056320screenshot.png"

thrown in c:\xampp\htdocs\base_facebook.php on line 994

this code:

<?php require_once 'config.php';  if(isset($_files['thefile'])) { $img_src = "temp/" . $_files['thefile']['name']; print $img_src; move_uploaded_file($_files['thefile']['tmp_name'], $img_src);   print "   moved"; facebook::$curl_opts[curlopt_ssl_verifypeer] = false; print "no ssl"; // allow uploads //$facebook->setfileuploadsupport("http://" . $_server['server_name']); $facebook->setfileuploadsupport(true); print " file upload on";  // add status message $photo = $facebook->api('/me/photos', 'post',         array(                 'source' =>  '@'. $img_src ,//blijkbaar klopt het pad niet                 'message' => 'this photo came app.'         ) ); var_dump($photo); var_dump($img_src); print "succes";  } else { print "faail"; } ?> 

does know solution problem? seems i'm making minor mistake , can't figure out. image gets uploaded folder , can view after script finished running.


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