ruby on rails 4 - how to verify email through link in rails4 application -

how verify email through link.

i have user edit profile , showing user email.i want give 1 link verify email.i not do.

add 1 column your

user model : email_verification , default set 0 (0).

then using persistence_token create url , sent specific email address. if dnt have persistence_token column in user model can add custom column of choice verify_email_token column name , stored 50 random string.


o =  [('a'..'z'),('a'..'z'),('0'..'9')].map{|i| i.to_a}.flatten string  =  (0...50).map{ o[rand(o.length)] }.join 

url example : ;

when user click on link, internally call function verifyemailaddress , in method update email_verification column 1 (1).


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