apk - Sencha-Touch to Android - TouchWiz issue -

i new android , have build first apk file. app is sencha-touch-web-app packaged andoird sencha cmd.

samsung user interface touchwiz stops when install app on device adb. makes device unusable. touchwiz works when uninstall app.

i don't see how javascript code responsible error. agree me ?

below json file configures sencha cmd packaging operation :

{     "applicationname":"thename",     "applicationid":"com.mevena.myappid",        "bundleseedid":"kpxfepz6ef",     "versionstring":"1.0-alpha",     "versioncode":"1",     "icon": {         "36":"resources/icons/icon36.png",         "48":"resources/icons/icon48.png",         "57":"resources/icons/icon72.png"     },     "inputpath":"./",     "outputpath":"../build",     "configuration":"debug",     "platform":"android",     "devicetype":"universal",        "certificatepath":"./la-clef.keystore",     "certificatealias":"la-clef",     "certificatepassword":"thepassword",     "provisionprofile":"",     "notificationconfiguration":"",     "sdkpath":"c:/program files (x86)/android/android-sdk",     "androidapilevel":"14",     "permissions":[         "internet",         "access_network_state",         "camera",         "vibrate",         "access_fine_location",         "access_coarse_location",         "call_phone"     ],     "orientations": [         "portrait"     ] } 

any clue touchwiz issue origin helpful. thank you.

does touchwiz launcher crash or whole system? maybe can check using alternate launcher (e.g. "nova launcher" or "pro launcher").

after googling seems sencha touch 2.1 seems have problems on different vendor specific uis , launchers. maybe should contact support.

if nothing seems work, should maybe exclude galaxy devices or check touchwiz. code work on other devices using other uis htc sense, motorola blur or sony timescape?


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