awk - Data partitioning by columns -

i have big matrix of 50 rows , 1.5m columns. these 1.5m columns, first 2 headers.

i trying divide data columns small pieces. example each small set 50 lines , 100 columns. each small data must have first 2 columns mentioned above headers.

i tried

awk '{print $1"\t"$2"\t"}' test | cut -f 3-10 awk '{print $1"\t"$2"\t"}' test | cut -f 11-20 ... 


cut -f 1-2 | cut -f 3-10 test cut -f 1-2 | cut -f 11-20 test ... 

but none of above working.

is there efficient way of doing this?

one way . don't know if (awk) can handle such big number of columns, give try. uses modulus operator cut line each specific number of columns.

awk '{         ## print header of first line.         printf "%s%s%s%s", $1, fs, $2, fs         ## count number of columns printed, 0 100.         count = 0         ## traverse every columns first 2 keys.         ( = 3; <= nf; i++ ) {             ## print header again when counted 100 columns.             if ( count != 0 && count % 100 == 0 ) {                 printf "%s%s%s%s%s", ors, $1, fs, $2, fs             }             ## print current column , count it.             printf "%s%s", $i, fs             ++count         }         ## separator between splits.         print ors     } ' infile 

i've tested 2 lines , 4 columns instead of 100. here test file:

key1 key2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ten key1 key2 one2 two2 three2 four2 five2 six2 seven2 eight2 nine2 ten2 

and results in:

key1 key2 1 2 3 4  key1 key2 5 6 7 8  key1 key2 9 ten   key1 key2 one2 two2 three2 four2  key1 key2 five2 six2 seven2 eight2  key1 key2 nine2 ten2 


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