Programmatically pay a Dwolla account with API? -

i working on application need send funds via api, if possible, programmatically. possible dwolla?

im not developer i'll explain best can. think similar what's possible paypal's adaptive payments api. basically, owner of dwolla account, need send money dwolla account using application. receiver's dwolla account#, payment amount, source, , pin stored/generated application manually entering information isn't necessary.

our rest api's transactions / send method you're looking for. allows send money on behalf of dwolla user programmatically.

the send endpoint takes parameters mentioned. request can simple as:

post content-type: application/json   {     "oauth_token": "hyq7sishz90i6seuptmhx8pppykfup94t5bsyw1xi9qvab7yqn",     "pin": "1278",     "destinationid": "812-713-9234",     "amount": "309.21" } 

note endpoint requires supply oauth token. read how they're obtained here.


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