bash - issues with configuration and deployment of my app -

i tried restarting server days ago sudo service httpd restart , sorts of problems have started happening.

i still log vps server ssh enter password. comes up, usen't happen :

last login: sun jul 21 22:54:02 2013 -bash: __rvm_add_to_path: command not found 

in terminal tried things solved problems me before like:

bundle exec rake db:seed 

but keep getting:

-bash: bundle: command not found 

any idea how can solve problem? i've read it's suggested @ bash_profile/bashrc files , edit things in there. these located? should change? can find deploy log , configuration?

when cap production deploy:migrations transfer site online remote server used go fine, error:

failed: "rvm_path=$home/.rvm/ $home/.rvm/bin/rvm-shell 'ree-1.8.7-2012.02' -c 'cd /var/www/apps/myapp/releases/20130720123042 && bundle exec rake rails_env=production rails_groups=assets assets:precompile'" on 12.34.567.8 mypc@ubuntu:~/myapp$  

thanks help.

reinstalling rvm \curl -l | bash -s stable sorted out...


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