PHP mysql database not populating values into tables -

i creating simple php program stores many rows of data tables. when run program populates 1 row of 10's of thousands of rows trying populate. doesn't give mysql_errors.

this code:

<?php $tickets = explode(' ', file_get_contents("tickets.txt")); foreach($tickets &$ticket){     $handle = opendir($ticket);     while($file = readdir($handle)){         if($file != "." && $file != ".."){             $raw_data = file_get_contents($ticket."/".$file);             $raw_data = trim(str_replace("date,open,high,low,close,volume,adj close", "",          $raw_data));             file_put_contents($ticket."/".$file, $raw_data);             $file_temp = fopen($ticket."/".$file, "r");             while(!feof($file_temp)){                 $line = fgets($file_temp);                 $data_array = explode(',', $line);                 $date = $data_array[0];                 $open = $data_array[1];                 $high = $data_array[2];                 $low = $data_array[3];                 $close = $data_array[4];                 $volume = $data_array[5];                 $adjclose = $data_array[6];                 $query = mysql_query("insert `$ticket` values  ('$date','$open','$high','$low','$close','$volume','$adjclose')");                 if(mysql_query("select $ticket `date`='$date'")){                 } else {                     echo "error";                 }                 echo $date.$open.$high.$low.$close.$volume.$adjclose."<br>";                 if(!$query){                     mysql_error();                 }             }         }     } } ?> 


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