php - Return random result from three SQL tables -

i have sql database 3 tables inside called...

fruit name fruit color fruit price 

i attempting return random result each of these 3 tables give me example....

apple - green - $10 

currently doing running following php 3 times (with different table each)

$result = mysqli_query($con,"select * fruitname"); while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))   {   echo $row['fruitname'];   } 

this works fine feeling going wrong way. there way 1 command instead of three?

if want random row, can way:

select * (select * fruitname order rand() limit 1) fn cross join      (select * fruitcolor order rand() limit 1) fc cross join      (select * fruitprice order rand() limit 1) fp  

this returns fields in 1 row.

note random row different arbitrary row. random row means each row has equal chance of being selected. arbitrary row indeterminate. first row in select without order by arbitrary, not random.


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