PHP SimpleXML to JSON Encode single element array -

i trying parse xml php single element json array.

this have:

$t = array();  $a=array("url"=>$test->channel->item->link); array_push($t,$a); echo json_encode($t);; 

which gives me this:


but i looking this:


it seems $test->channel->item->link parses curly brackets {url}

but if echo $test->channel->item->link, get: without curly brackets.

not sure if you're looking for, works :)

$xmlstr = '<?xml version=\'1.0\' standalone=\'yes\'?>       <container>         <channel>           <item>             <link></link>           </item>         </channel>       </container>';  $test = new simplexmlelement($xmlstr);  $t = array(); $a = array("url"=>$test->channel->item->link->__tostring()); array_push($t,$a); echo json_encode($t); // [{"url":""}] 


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