visual studio 2010 - Get data from Outlook to Database -

my project send fields before visual studio outlook body in fields entered in body after reception of messages user can modify data sent in text fields on outlook , sends update data saved in database that's possible update data outlook database ?

i have build solution that, use daily read , file mail part of daily workflow. others have hinted need specific need with.

        if (typeof olitem outlook.mailitem)             dim olmailitem outlook.mailitem = trycast(olitem, outlook.mailitem)              if olmailitem.permission = outlook.olpermission.olunrestricted                 strbody = olmailitem.htmlbody                   'file:///c:/attsave/header.png             else                 strbody = "rights protected fix if i'm not in debugger"             end if              each olattach in olmailitem.attachments                 if olattach.type <> outlook.olattachmenttype.olole                     olattach.saveasfile("c:\attsave\" & olattach.filename)                     'strbody = strbody.replace("cid:header", "file:///c:/attsave/header.png")                     strcid = olattach.propertyaccessor.getproperty("")                     if strcid <> ""                         strbody = strbody.replace("cid:" & strcid, "file:///c:/attsave/" & system.web.httputility.urlencode(olattach.filename))                     end if                     lst_attach.items.add(olattach.filename)                 else                     msgbox("open 1 via outlook")                 end if              next             me.webbody.documenttext = strbody             me.txtsubject.text = olmailitem.subject             if olmailitem.importance = outlook.olimportance.olimportancehigh                 me.txtsubject.forecolor =             else                 me.txtsubject.forecolor = color.white             end if              'dim palsender             'palsender = mailitem.sender             me.txtsentdate.text = olmailitem.senton             'me.txtto.text =             olsendera = olmailitem.sender             if isnothing(olsendera) = false                  'dim olconitem outlook.contactitem                  'olconitem = olsendera.getcontact()                 'if not isnothing(olconitem)                 '    if olconitem.haspicture = true                 '        stop                 '    end if                 'end if                   pa = olsendera.propertyaccessor                 'debug.print( & "stp= " & pa.getproperty(""))                 try                     me.txtfrom.text = me.txtfrom.text & & " (" & pa.getproperty("") & ")"                 catch ex system.runtime.interopservices.comexception                     'stop                     me.txtfrom.text = olmailitem.sendername & " (" & olmailitem.senderemailaddress & ")"                 catch ex exception                     stop                 end try 


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