Jenkins plus Git on same server -

i have home server git repositories. i'm trying configure jenkins on existing php repos.

i've install jenkins i'm getting error while creating job:

repository url = /home/git/repositories/testing.git

error following:

failed connect repository : command "git ls-remote -h /home/git/repositories/testing.git head" returned status code 128: stdout: stderr: fatal: '/home/git/repositories/testing.git' not appear git repository fatal: remote end hung unexpectedly

please resolve problem.

thank you.

p.s. tries put url i'm using clone repo remotely:


but i'm still getting error:

failed connect repository : command "git ls-remote -h ssh://git@ head" returned status code 128: stdout: stderr: ssh: not resolve hostname name or service not known fatal: remote end hung unexpectedly

first issue, if jenkins installed on same machine, , testing.git visibile, check url path. won't see red warning message if repo reachable.

only thing can think of /home/git might on different server/mount point (maybe nas?)

second issue, cloning using ssh - remove : (colon) after ip address , make sure give full path repo


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