Sending an action to a view in Ember.js -

i have view contains close button:

.flash-message   div class="close-button" click="view.removeflash"   = view view.content.thisview 

the view reads:

whistlr.alertview = ember.view.extend   templatename: "_alert"    removeflash: ->     alert "close!" 

however, when click on "close-button" div, nothing happens. i've tried rewriting button few different ways:

click="view.removeflash" click="removeflash" click="removeflash" target="view" 

i've tried placing action directly in controller (though i'm not sure there controller view):

whistlr.alertcontroller = ember.objectcontroller.extend   removeflash: ->     alert "i work!" 

none of these approaches work. perhaps it's not possible send action view controller? if not, how else can approach problem?

the syntax sending events views is, {{action myevent target="view"}}. myevent handler in corresponding view can handle event. without target event go controller in view's context.

i suspect happening emblem putting target attribute on element rather action handler. since target valid attribute well. can confirm looking @ generated html in elements tab of dev tools.

unfortunately don't have workaround emblem. stuff works handlebars templates.


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