Blackberry cfg file not found when device connects to computer and Desktop Manager open -

i storing config details test.cfg file in blackberry device. every time when start application, app check if test.cfg exists. if exists, loads configuration file , if not, app show config page, user can enter config details , proceed further.

the above working fine except 1 scenario. when device plugged in system , open desktop manager , user opens application, directly shows configuration page if test.cfg exists in device.

does know solution this? or idea why behaving this?

my guess when connect device computer via usb cable, computer mounting sdcard external drive. when this, device lose access sdcard. needs this, because device software , desktop computer's software don't want simultaneously modifying same files.

are saving test.cfg on sdcard?

if so, might want save file device's internal storage instead, for example, in persistentstore.

you turn off mass storage feature makes sdcard available pc, if prefer have media card available app. (if want this, tell me os version you're using ... but, understand works you, , isn't solution if want users avoid problem).

you can test sdcard in app, programmatically


reference on blackberry support forums

data storage development guide on


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