corona - save a DisplayObjects to be reused between scenes -

how can save displayobjects reused between scenes?


scene1 contains displayobject drawing.

in scene:exitscene save storyboard.state.scene1.drawing

then when scene in scene:enterscene do:

drawing = storyboard.state.scene1.drawing self.view:insert(drawing) 

but error if drawing invalid.

given store reference displayobject in variable, this

no tested idea should work.

fromscene:  local displayobj=yourdisplayobject  -- when time change scene, this:  local options={       local params ={       dispobj = displayobj,     }, } storyboard.gotoscene(targetscene, options)   --- targetscene:  scene:createscene(event)     local params=event.params     local displayobj=params.dispobj     --and whatever want displayobj ... ... end 

doing in ways requires not nullify, or remove, display object in destroyscene of first scene.


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