java - Will new return the named function constructor instance-? -

var foo = function () {     return new moo(); }  var moo = function () {     return this; } 

if execute statement

new foo() 

will instance of moo? seems @ both same time obvious , non-intuitive. functionally, should happen, @ same time not-expected if didn't know internals.

edit: realized seems unintuitive b.c. in java constructors can not return anything.

this similar constructor pattern jquery uses.

yes instance of moo.

non-intuitiveness because of fact can return other object in javascvipt constructor.this possible because functions in fact objects in js. in languages java , c# that's not possible, constructor returns object constructor belongs to. can cannot call contructors without new keyword in such languages. not returning constructor same thins return this; in js thing(assuming it's used constructor) adds little confusion.


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