Rails 4 and Leaflet: assets/images not found? -

i having problem should not problem. reason images have in app/assets/images not accessable. when request them 404.

./log/development.log:started "/assets/images/marker-shadow.png" @ 2013-07-20 22:02:38 -0400 ./log/development.log:actioncontroller::routingerror (no route matches [get] "/assets/images/marker-shadow.png"):  mike@sleepycat:~/projects/myapp$ ls app/assets/images/ marker-icon-2x.png  marker-icon.png  marker-shadow.png 

this should braindead easy fix... restarting server @ most. have restarted server, have checked file permissions make sure files have sane permissions on them... , still 404's when load page.

what missing here?

using rails 4.

just image helper :


the path generated rails "/assets/marker-shadow.png" without 'images' folder.


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