android - mapping from asynctask to intent service -

i have android app widget have used async task network calls. want shift calls asynctask intent service. doinbackground() 's work can done in onhandleintent() onpreexecute() , onpostexecute(). have progress bar code in these 2 methods give spinning effect refresh button. should put code in intent service?


public class storewidgetprovider extends appwidgetprovider {      @override     public void onupdate(context context, appwidgetmanager appwidgetmanager,             int[] appwidgetids) {          super.onupdate(context, appwidgetmanager, appwidgetids);         updateviews = new remoteviews(context.getpackagename(), r.layout.widget_main_layout1);         mcontext = context;         mprogressbar = new progressbar(context);          intent localintent = new intent(context,storewidgetservice.class);          context.startservice(localintent); //      try { //          fetchtask.execute().get(); //      } catch (interruptedexception e) { //          // todo auto-generated catch block //          e.printstacktrace(); //      } catch (executionexception e) { //          // todo auto-generated catch block //          e.printstacktrace(); //      }          mycurrentlocation(mcontext);         imageloader = new imageloader(mcontext);          updateviews.setonclickpendingintent(, next_buildbuttonpendingintent(context));          updateviews.setonclickpendingintent(, back_buildbuttonpendingintent(context));          updateviews.setonclickpendingintent(, refresh_buildbuttonpendingintent(context));  //----these commented use context , gets null when killed----         //updateviews.setonclickpendingintent(, merchant_buildbuttonpendingintent(context));          //updateviews.setonclickpendingintent(, checkin_buildbuttonpendingintent(context));          //updateviews.setonclickpendingintent(, picon_buildbuttonpendingintent(context));          pushwidgetupdate(context,updateviews);     }   //my button listeners: next , prev //--not shown here---       public static void pushwidgetupdate(context context,remoteviews views){         system.out.println("inside pushwidget");         context = mcontext;          if(context!=null){             componentname mywidget=new componentname(context, storewidgetprovider.class);             appwidgetmanager manager=appwidgetmanager.getinstance(context);             manager.updateappwidget(mywidget, views);         }         }     }      public static class storewidgetservice extends intentservice implements serverrequestenvironment{          public storewidgetservice() {             super("storewidgetservice");             // todo auto-generated constructor stub         }  //      protected void onpreexecute(){ //           //          updateviews.setviewvisibility(, view.gone); //          updateviews.setviewvisibility(, view.visible); //          pushwidgetupdate(mcontext,updateviews); //      }         @override         public int onstartcommand(intent intent, int flags, int startid){             super.onstartcommand(intent, flags, startid);             return start_redeliver_intent;         }         @override         public void onhandleintent(intent intent) {               //my data fetching done network calls           }  //      protected void onpostexecute(store storeobj) { // //          updateviews.setviewvisibility(, view.gone); //          updateviews.setviewvisibility(, view.visible); //           // //          pushwidgetupdate(mcontext,updateviews); //      }           @override         public ibinder onbind(intent arg0) {             // todo auto-generated method stub             return null;         }      } }    

you have register handler in main ui thread, pass handler intentservice. through handler can queue runnables execution on ui thread. since asynctask backed threadpool, think asynctask indeed doing.

you can try use function runonuithread() (but think can called activity object).

take here deeper understanding:


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