c# - How do I close an image open in a picturebox so I can delete it? -
at moment form has system can save data in form directory in applications folder load again through listbox have set need add delete button delete data out of folder problem if opened it returns error cannot delete because file in use heres code use save data
private void button3_click(object sender, eventargs e) { using (var writer = new streamwriter(@"cards\" + cardname.text + ".card", false)) { int lev = level.selectedindex; int race = race.selectedindex; int attribute = cardattribute.selectedindex; int cardtype = combobox1.selectedindex; int monstertype = combobox2.selectedindex; int spelltype = combobox4.selectedindex; int traptype = combobox3.selectedindex; string[] des = carddescription.text.split('\n'); imageconverter img_converter = new imageconverter(); byte[] bytes = (byte[])img_converter.convertto(img, typeof(byte[])); file.writeallbytes(@"cards\" + cardname.text + ".jpg", bytes); writer.writeline("#id:" + cardid.text); writer.writeline("#lev:" + lev); writer.writeline("#rac:" + race); writer.writeline("#att:" + attribute); writer.writeline("#atk:" + atk.text); writer.writeline("#def:" + def.text); writer.writeline("#pic:" + cardname.text + ".jpg"); writer.writeline("#ctp:" + cardtype); writer.writeline("#mtp:" + monstertype); writer.writeline("#stp:" + spelltype); writer.writeline("#ttp:" + traptype); writer.writeline("#gol:" + checkbox1.checked); writer.writeline("#nam:" + cardname.text); foreach (string l in des) { writer.writeline("#des:" + l); } } listupdate(); }
to load data
private void listbox1_doubleclick(object sender, eventargs e) { string open = @"cards\" + listbox1.selecteditem.tostring() + ".card"; var reader = new streamreader(file.openread(open)); while (!reader.endofstream) { string line = reader.readline(); if (line.startswith("#id:")) { cardid.text = line.substring(4); } if (line.startswith("#lev:")) { string lev = line.substring(5); level.selectedindex = convert.toint32(lev); } if (line.startswith("#rac:")) { string rac = line.substring(5); race.selectedindex = convert.toint32(rac); } if (line.startswith("#att:")) { string att = line.substring(5); cardattribute.selectedindex = convert.toint32(att); } if (line.startswith("#atk:")) { atk.text = line.substring(5); } if (line.startswith("#def:")) { def.text = line.substring(5); } if (line.startswith("#ctp:")) { string ctp = line.substring(5); combobox1.selectedindex = convert.toint32(ctp); } if (line.startswith("#mtp:")) { string mtp = line.substring(5); combobox2.selectedindex = convert.toint32(mtp); } if (line.startswith("#stp:")) { string stp = line.substring(5); combobox4.selectedindex = convert.toint32(stp); } if (line.startswith("#ttp:")) { string ttp = line.substring(5); combobox3.selectedindex = convert.toint32(ttp); } if (line.startswith("#gol:")) { string gold = line.substring(5); checkbox1.checked = convert.toboolean(gold); } if (line.startswith("#nam:")) { cardname.text = line.substring(5); } if (line.startswith("#des:")) { des += line.substring(5) + environment.newline; carddescription.text = des; } if (line.startswith("#pic:")) { if (file.exists(@"cards\" + line.substring(5))) { img = image.fromfile(@"cards/" + line.substring(5)); } } } des = ""; generatecard(); }
and delete it
private void button4_click(object sender, eventargs e) { string list = listbox1.selecteditem.tostring(); if (file.exists(@"cards\" + list + ".card")) { file.delete(@"cards\" + list + ".card"); } if (file.exists(@"cards\" + list + ".jpg")) { file.delete(@"cards\" + list + ".jpg"); } listupdate(); }
okay, problem picturebox
using image want delete... right? so, instead of using picture local drive, load picture picturebox
public bitmap loadbitmap(string path) { if (file.exists(path)) { // open file in read mode using (filestream stream = new filestream(path, filemode.open, fileaccess.read)) // binary reader file stream using (binaryreader reader = new binaryreader(stream)) { // copy content of file memory stream var memorystream = new memorystream(reader.readbytes((int)stream.length)); // make new bitmap object owner of memorystream return new bitmap(memorystream); } } else { messagebox.show("error loading file.", "error!", messageboxbuttons.ok); return null; } }
to use it, call:
picturebox1.image = loadbitmap("location");
now can delete picture without locking. beware, `picturebox not cleared. you'll have clear manually.
i hope helps. ;)
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