cakephp - How can I use cakeDCs search to perform a search between dates? -

i'm using search plugin cakedc (works fine far). perform search 2 date fields used search in mysql database between value cannot working.

how can that?

i found no working example , documentation confusing me.

--edit: view code:

[html table stuff] <td>     <?php      echo $this->form->input('from', array(         'type' => 'date',         //'div' => false,         'dateformat' => 'dmy',         'minyear' => 2013,         'maxyear' => date('y'),         'style' => 'margin-right: 2px; margin-left: 2px',         'empty' => true,         'timeformat' => null,         'selected' => array(             'day' => 1,             'month' => 1,             'year' => 2013             ),         'empty' => false         ));     ?> </td> <td>     <?php      echo $this->form->input('to', array(         'type' => 'date',         'div' => false,         'dateformat' => 'dmy',         'minyear' => 2013,         'maxyear' => date('y'),         'empty' => true,         'style' => 'margin-right: 2px; margin-left: 2px',         'timeformat' => null,         'selected' => array(             'day' => date('d'),             'month' => date('m'),             'year' => date('y')             ),         'empty' => false         ));     ?> </td> [html table stuff] 


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