gitweb - setup git server/web with lighttpd: gives ...git-upload-pack not found -

i've setup lighttpd , gitweb. created empty repository follows:

$server> git --version git version $server> git --bare init p1 $server> cd p1 $server> git update-server-info $server> cd .. $server> chown -r lighttpd:lighttpd p1 

in browser can browse repository, when try clone command line get:

$> git clone p1 cloning 'p1'... fatal: not found: did run git update-server-info on server? 

and, maybe helps, here lighttpd configuration

alias.url += (   "/static/gitweb.css"      => "/var/www/git/static/gitweb.css",   "/static/git-logo.png"    => "/var/www/git/static/git-logo.png",   "/static/git-favicon.png" => "/var/www/git/static/git-favicon.png",   "/static/gitweb.js"       => "/var/www/git/static/gitweb.js",   "/git"                    => "/var/www/git/gitweb.cgi" ) 

i did run 'git update-server-info', without success! suggestions ?

sometimes it's git executable path problem. solutions might found @ this question.

also, if have access lighttpd server log, check error.log , verify url correct. if server conf uses redirects, git repos must accessed using correct, aliased names. suggestion answers this question. topic handled in this question.

this github info webpage points out version differences of git between server (as used http server) , client can cause such issue. this webpage describes how upgrade git latest stable version on ubuntu server (useful if you're using lts).

sitaram has added documentation on how set correctly here.

i have similar problem apache setup , not yet found solution.


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