objective c - ios simulator British Summer Time wrong hour -

i trying parse date string , nsdate:

nsarray *expld_date = [day componentsseparatedbystring:@","]; nsstring * keyword = [[[expld_date objectatindex:1]                                                 stringbyappendingstring: @"/"]                                                       stringbyappendingstring: [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%d", year] ];  nsdate * date = [_dateformatter datefromstring: keyword];  nslog( @"other date string %@", keyword ); nslog( @"other date %@", date );  other date string 14/07/2013 other date 2013-07-13 23:00:00 +0000 

is supposed happening, or simulator wrong? assumed received same date-time host computer.

when call [nsdate date] returns date. not apply nsdateformatter it, needed display in local timezone.

the time correct, based on fact bst 1 hour forward of gmt


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