ruby on rails - Issue with delayed_job gem 2.0.4 -

hi getting following error while executing controller.

uninitialized constant delayed 

i have following code in controller.

delayed::job.enqueue({:model=>object.class.to_s, :object_id=>,:meth=>:create_suggestion})) 

delayed_worker.rb contains following code.

class delayedworker <    def perform      if obj=object.const_get(options[:model]).find(options[:object_id])        if (options[:para] ? obj.send(options[:meth],options[:para].first) : obj.send(options[:meth]))         puts "successfull"       else         puts "failed"       end     end       end end 

i using rails 2.3.5 version rails. have run:

$ script/generate delayed_job $ rake db:migrate 

i ran rake jobs:work task. runs successfully, while executing controller getting uninitialized constant related error.

any 1 please me on this.

thanks in advanced.


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