Why isn't css calc function working properly in Chrome on Android -

i have following little snippet of css;

ul#list li div.column {     width: -moz-calc(40% - 12px);     width: -o-calc(40% - 12px);     width: -webkit-calc(40% - 12px);     width: calc(40% - 12px); } 

this works expected in chrome on ipad, iphone, , osx on chrome android (4.2.2 on google nexus 7) giving width far short. don't have dev tools set query device see going on driving me insane. there known bug browser?

as i'm sure you've figured out, calc not supported on android. best resource i've found determine whether feature supported caniuse.com - in case, should help: http://caniuse.com/#feat=calc


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