android - Button for Submitting to Database Error -

i want insert data row in sqlite database table filling form , has error when click submit button. here's piece of code , logcat

public void calldialogconfirmation(){      alertdialog.builder confirm = new alertdialog.builder(form.this);       confirm.settitle("please confirm");        confirm.setpositivebutton("yes",         new dialoginterface.onclicklistener() {          public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog, int id) {                 string inputansavings = spinner1.getselecteditem().tostring();             string tglmsk = spinner2.getselecteditem().tostring();              sharedpreferences.editor editor = somedata.edit();             editor.putstring("sharedstring1", inputansavings);             editor.putstring("sharedstring2", tglmsk);              editor.commit();              string inputsalary = salary.gettext().tostring();              dbhelper.createincome("routine income",inputsalary);                       intent openstartingpoint = new intent(form.this, mainactivity.class);             startactivity(openstartingpoint);            }}); 

and here's method insert data

       public long createincome(string l, string n) {       contentvalues initialvalues = new contentvalues();     initialvalues.put(rlpe, l);     initialvalues.put(rnpe, n);     initialvalues.put(rbpe, m);   // m current date calendar library      return mdbp.insert(income_table, null, initialvalues);  } 

here's error i'm getting click "submit" button

            07-21 22:00:39.234: e/androidruntime(971): fatal exception: main             07-21 22:00:39.234: e/androidruntime(971): java.lang.nullpointerexception             07-21 22:00:39.234: e/androidruntime(971):  @     com.diarykeuanganmahasiswa.dkm.form$1.onclick(             07-21 22:00:39.234: e/androidruntime(971):  @$buttonhandler.handlemessage(             07-21 22:00:39.234: e/androidruntime(971):  @ android.os.handler.dispatchmessage(             07-21 22:00:39.234: e/androidruntime(971):  @ android.os.looper.loop(             07-21 22:00:39.234: e/androidruntime(971):  @            07-21 22:00:39.234: e/androidruntime(971):   @ java.lang.reflect.method.invokenative(native method)            07-21 22:00:39.234: e/androidruntime(971):   @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke(            07-21 22:00:39.234: e/androidruntime(971):   @$           07-21 22:00:39.234: e/androidruntime(971):    @           07-21 22:00:39.234: e/androidruntime(971):    @ dalvik.system.nativestart.main(native method) 

anyone knows seems problem? please help, thanks

it looks your storing data ui in shared preferences , attempting retrieve them contentvalues. in ui should put values content values , pass insert. retrieval of value in insert method should able them properly. content values name value pair, i.e. name of column , value of column.

in ui activity:

contentvalues cv; ... //in onclick method cv = new contentvalues(); ... cv.put("inputansavings", inputansavings); ... etc, each column. 

uri rowuri = cr.insert(youruri, cv); // cv should have nvp (name value pair) each of columns.

if needed can put content values bundle , have async task or content provider extract them, if have lot of other steps accomplish before insert.

hope helps. please mark correct answer if works you.

have great day.


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