Closing Excel Application Process in C# after Data Access -

i'm writing application in c# opens excel template file read/write operations. want when user closes application, excel application process has been closed, without saving excel file. see task manager after multiple runs of app.

enter image description here

i use code open excel file :

public excel.application excelapp = new excel.application(); public excel.workbook excelbook; excelbook = excelapp.workbooks.add(@"c:/pape.xltx"); 

and data access use code :

excel.worksheet excelsheet = (worksheet)(excelbook.worksheets[1]); excelsheet.displayrighttoleft = true; range rng; rng = excelsheet.get_range("c2"); rng.value2 = txtname.text; 

i see similar questions in stackoverflow such this question , this, , test answers, doesn't works.

try this:

excelbook.close(0);  excelapp.quit(); 

when closing work-book, have 3 optional parameters:

workbook.close savechanges, filename, routeworkbook  

workbook.close(false) or if doing late binding, easier use 0 workbook.close(0) how i've done when automating closing of workbooks.

also went , looked documentation it, , found here: excel workbook close



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