How do I get Process ID from HWND using managed code? -

is there managed way process id hwnd rather using windows api call.

private declare auto function getwindowthreadprocessid lib "user32.dll" (byval hwnd intptr, _               byref lpdwprocessid integer) integer  sub getprocessid()      'start application     dim xlapp object = createobject("excel.application")      'get window handle     dim xlhwnd integer = xlapp.hwnd      'this have process id after call getwindowthreadprocessid     dim procidxl integer = 0      'get process id     getwindowthreadprocessid(xlhwnd, procidxl)      'get process     dim xproc process = process.getprocessbyid(procidxl)  end sub 

no, isn't wrapped .net. there's absolutely nothing wrong calling native api functions. that's framework internally, , that's why p/invoke invented, make simple possible yourself. i'm not sure why you're seeking avoid it.

of course, recommend using new-style declaration, more idiomatic way of doing things in .net (rather old vb 6 way):

<dllimport("user32.dll", setlasterror:=true)> _ private shared function getwindowthreadprocessid(byval hwnd intptr, _     byref lpdwprocessid integer) integer end function 

your other option, if absolutely cannot on irrational compulsion stay managed code, make use of process class. can used start external process, , has property (id) can used retrieve process's id. i'm not sure if work you. avoid telling why you're using createobject in first place.


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