qt4 - Connect signal to function with many argument? -

i have function in python def:

def niveau(controlname,idniveau) 

i want connect signal in way:

qobject.connect(dialog.findchild(qdialogbuttonbox, 'buttonbox'), signal('accepted()'),niveau(control,1)) 

i got following error:

qt signal not callable

can me this?

the error because qobject.connect 3 parameters means:

qobject.connect(qobject, signal(), callable, qt.connectiontype=qt.autoconnection)

the third parameter you're passing isn't callable, return value of call niveau(control,1).

the arguments signal emitted determined @ emit time, not @ connect time. if speicfy (or all) parameters @ connect time, can:

  • use functools.partial:

    from functools import partial qobject.connect(... , partial(niveau, control, 1)) 
  • use lambda

    qobject.connect(... , lambda ctrl=control, id=1: niveau(ctrl, id)) 


by way, should use new style signals - old style signals will not supported anymore in pyqt5.


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